Prema Pipasi movie is the latest Telugu upcoming movie. Prema Pipasi is a new Telugu upcoming movie directed by Murali Ramaswamy. Prema Pipasi Telugu movie has a romantic comedy. Recently PremaPiapsi Movie Trailer has reached two million-plus views. Prema Pipasi movie will be released on 13th March 2020. The Movie Director Murali Ramaswamy directed the Prema Pipasi Telugu movie and is jointly produced by Rahul Bhai Media, Durgasri Films and PS Ramakrishna. In the PremaPipasi Movie, GPS was acted as hero, Other actors GPS, Kapilakshi Malhotra, Sonakshi Varma in the lead roles while Jyothi Rajput, Mamatha Sri Choudhary, Suman, Bhargav, Sanjana Choudhary, Shaking Sheshu, Ankitha, Jabardast Rajamouli, Sanjana Choudhary were among other artists in the Movie. Finally, The film (PremaPipasi) will be released on 13th March 2020.
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